Tuesday, September 19, 2006


In the parking lot- about to go to preschool for the first time!!!! Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Annie touring the school Posted by Picasa

Nana and Ellie at school Posted by Picasa

Annie and Ellie and Paige Posted by Picasa

Ellie cooking at preschool Posted by Picasa

Ellie at preschool Posted by Picasa

yummy Posted by Picasa

Annie and Hannah watching the alligators being fed Posted by Picasa

Ellie petting a tortoise Posted by Picasa

The view from our condo at Myrtle Beach Posted by Picasa

Hannah and her monkeys Posted by Picasa

The crew at a diner Posted by Picasa

Playing the jukebox Posted by Picasa

Ellie- right out of the 50s Posted by Picasa

Hannah riding a dinosaur Posted by Picasa

Petting the horseshoe crabs at the aquarium Posted by Picasa

Annie and Annie... getting ready for bed Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Annie relaxing on the deck Posted by Picasa

Swimming at the condo pool with mommy Posted by Picasa

Ellie hanging on the carousel Posted by Picasa

Ride that bird! Posted by Picasa

Thinking of Uncle Nicj Posted by Picasa

Hannah holding a chimp Posted by Picasa

Eating at a Japanese steakhouse Posted by Picasa